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Having sponsored numerous events over the years Sansome & George are proud to announce their sponsorship of two upcoming local events.

First up is the St Catherine's Pre-School Christmas Shopping Evening which will be held on Friday 8th November at St Catherine's Church Hall in Wittingham Avenue, Tilehurst, RG31 5LN. Entrance is just £2 which includes a raffle ticket. The event has been organised to support  Local Businesses who will be at the event selling their products so if you can head down from 7:30pm and get in some early Christmas Shopping.

Secondly is the Purley Tots Winter Fair. This is being held on Saturday 30th November from 11:00am onwards. The event is family friendly with a raffle, food stalls, Starbucks Coffee and a visit from the local Fire Brigade with one of their engines! The event will be held at St Mary's Church, Purley-on-Thames, RG8 8BJ with admission being just 50p for Adult and free for Children!

If you'd like Sansome & George to sponsor your event please don't hesitate to get in touch by contacting

Sansome & George Continue To Support Local Events

by Sansome & George

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